Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another Twilight-South Park Fan Video

Hello everybody. Today's Twilight video is somewhat old (a couple of months, actually), but seeing Friday's update had to do with South Park, we just thought today's video had to be posted.

It is also very funny, so we're sorry for those of you who might have already viewed it, but we want to give all our readers a chance of watching it too.

Here it is:

We have some good news too (for us at least): on September the 13th we received our first comment (on the "Midnight Sun Cancelled" post), and it really made our day. We really encourage you guys (and gals) to leave us any comments, questions, suggestions, etc... so we can improve this blog!

Thank you!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Funny Fan? Video

Good morning everybody (well, it could be good evening or good night depending on what part of the globe your in right now), the question mark in the title is not a typo at all!

We're not sure whether this video was intended to mock the Twilight cast or not, but nevertheless, it is very funny. We'd rather have you watch the video than telling you anything about it so here you have it:

Oh, by the way, be careful if you look for "Twilight videos" on Youtube, you might find something like THIS.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

There has been a Lullaby Change!

Hey there everybody! Today we're featuring a brand new Twilight video that is not yet on Youtube. Apparently Robert Pattinson's lullaby is no longer going to be played in the upcoming movie, though many wonder if it will finally come up in the DVD extras.

Source: MTV

'Bella's Lullaby' Is No Longer Robert's.
Pattinson explains why they decided against using his own composition in the movie.

Thanks for watching!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Twilight teasers in slow and fast motion!

Liked the Twilight teasers? well then watch them again, but now in fast AND slow motion. The guy that did this says it wasn't his intent to make fun of the teasers, but we find this video hilarious!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Robert Pattinson Interviews at the MTV VMA 08

Yet another interview featuring Robert Pattinson. You cannot consider yourself a real Twilight fan if you haven't watched this new Twilight video! So what are you waiting for? Click "play". ;)

See you tomorrow with more Twilight videos!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Kristen Stewart (Bella) transformed into vampire with Photoshop!

We've found this video that it's now quite popular on Youtube. This user obviously knows how to use Photoshop as the video proves, because she's turned Kristen Stewart into a vampire!
Here's the transformation: :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Twilight cast at MTV Video Music Awards 2008

Yes, our favourite actors were there. Robert Pattison (Edward), Kristen Stewart (Bella), Taylor Lautner (Jacob) and Cam Gigandet (James) were on stage to announce the performance of the rock band "Paramore".
Here's the video! And don't forget to digg!

Monday, September 8, 2008

"Please Save Midnight Sun" Petition

After knowing that Midnight Sun was probably being cancelled, or at least suspended indefinetely, many fans started protesting and claiming that they didn't do anything for such a punishment. They have started an on-line petition hoping to reach 5000 signatures.

Click HERE to go to the petition website.

And just below, our daily Twilight video, on the petition itself:

Thanks a lot for reading and digging this post!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

"New" Twilight cast interview at comic-con

We've found this video on Youtube about Twilight that it appears to be somehow "new", as very few people have seen it. So here it is, they interview almost all the cast, plus the director.
And yes, we know we are awesome :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Teaser Trailers Updated!

That's right, both teaser trailers for the upcoming Twilight movie have been updated recently. For that reason, in today's entry we're featuring not one, but TWO Twilight videos! Here they are:

Twilight Video No.1: Teaser Trailer 1 ***UPDATED***

Did you notice the new date at the end? Ain't it nice?

Twilight Video No.2: Teaser Trailer2 ***UPDATED***

So... that's for today! See you tomorrow with more Twilight videos!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Official Twilight Comic-con video

The Official Twilight YouTube channel(a link to the channel is in one of last week's posts) has recently released a video summing up the experiences at the San Diego Comic-con. It was a really exciting moment for the cast, but also for all the fans that where there!
Anyway, here's the video: :)

P.S. Don't forget to digg this post!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Entertainment Tonight Segment

Hellto there! We've got some updates on the world-known (we hope so) Twilight Movie.

Source: Everglow

The Entertainment Tonight segment featured no new footage so we won’t be adding a download link or caps, but you can watch it here on Youtube now, courtesy of krimsonlightning:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Twilight Fan Videos, I Mean, Cartoons!

Yet another Twilight fan video. Or should we rather call it "series"? These girls from Maplemovieproducer have gone through a lot of hard work to develop their own cartoons based on the Twilight books by Stephenie Meyer. Though in this blog we are only going to publish today's episode, you can visit their Youtube Channel to watch the rest of them. In fact, we're gonna leave links to all the episodes just below today's Twilight video, yeah, just because we're that nice. I know, don't thank us, we know we're great.

So, enjoy today's episode if you've already watched the others:

As for the rest of the series:

  • Twilight - EPISODE 1
    (We had some problems viewing this Twilight video. If that's your case, try watching it in High Quality mode. If that doesn't work out, maybe you can send these girls a message to reupload it :D)
Greetings and have fun!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Twilight Trailer Spoof video

This guys have made a parody of both Twilight teasers. It is quite funny, so no wonder they have so many views on YouTube. Take a look at it because we assure you it's the best comedy video about Twilight!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Twilight videos

Here's a link to the official Twilight YouTube channel, where you can watch some incredible Twilight videos, including of course the official teaser trailers. Enjoy!

Official Twilight Film